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Blog 7 Website Videos
One main website that came to my mind really fast was The whole site is movies. It enhances the site, because it shows the top viewed ones and best rated movies that people have posted, so this whole website is excellent with movies enhancing it. Thats why more and more people post up their movies and watch them all day long.
Another quick one that I thought of that stands out for most is This site has sweet movie previews that run while one browses. It is a plus, because of istead of having boring ad's that bother you, instead you get to watch movies of things that will excite and not bore. There is also a lot of movies that you can view while on this site which makes it an excellent website for movies.
I think that out of my three, is the best for videos. It is the best because you can view multiple seasons of tv's right from there website. So don't worry if you missed an episode, because you will beable to view it right on this website. Only problem is you can't view them with full screens, so if you don't mind watching them smaller and on your monitor screen, then view away.
U Tube is great. I have noticed several professors use it for class room discussions on particular topics.
Utube cracks me up. There are people that know how to come up with some crazy things. Some of it is actaully pretty impressive. I am obsessed with the news so I go to a lot. They have useful footage on their site!!
I thought it was very interesting that although we picked different network sites (you Fox, me ABC), that this is becoming a popular way of viewing television shows.
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