Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Blog 6 PodCasts

Hello again!!! The podcasts that I found to be interesting academically or professionally were Nova Science, TWIT, and Geek brief TV. Nova science had a lot of cool science videos that I could learn things from. It also showed new things discovered throughout science. I found it in the science and medicine section on itunes.
TWIT is "This week in tech". This one showed a new technology that was been greated or a summary of a current one. It had a few things with ciruits in it so I could relate it to my degree. Geek Brief TV is pretty much the same as TWIT but jumps around to bigger selection of technologys, like new gaming consoles, upcoming ones and so one. Both of things sites are excelent if you like technologys. They are both found in the technology section within the podcast section on itunes.
The two sites that I liked personally were special ops paintball and happy tree friends. I love to play paintball in my free time, and this site was the first thing I subscribed too. It can be found in the sports section. It shows new guns out and new upcoming paintball events that i'm really considering going to. Happy tree friends is found in the humor section. If you don't know what it is, it is sick humor. I have all of the old videos on dvd, this podcast has new ones that i've never seen before.
Commented on Laura's & Karl's

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