I like how the site is set up and also the name. Of course I go to school here and i'm a huge OSU fan, so seeing anything OSU is an excitement. I like how the links to things are easy to find and the navigation is organized keeping it easy to get around. I like the updated news and events that appear on the right side, always new and kept updated. I think that something could be added to improve the look, like more pictures, game clips, etc. This would really bring out school spirit and spice of the site and sports. The font and layout is easy to view, and the school colors on it help with school spirit.

The reason why I like this site is because I am a huge fan of Christopher Paolini. I've read both his books and plan on reading his final book that will compete his trilogy soon to come out this summer. I check this site a lot becuase I keep myself updated on the news and when things will be released. This site is pretty easy to navigate. I don't like all of the ads on the site, but I know that those are things that are required when you use free host to makes websites. I think the font is small in the navigation bar and sometimes with the news reports. I think they need more graphics, but when they put more its nice. I like the backround a lot, because it brings out the eragon theme very well.

This is my third favorite website. I know that it is a search engine, but I think that it is the best one. It helps me find anything that I am searching for quickly and I use the image section within it for projects, etc. When first going to this site, it will seem very boring to people, but it is a search engine. I think they could really spice it up by adding a better backround instead of a white one. There isn't much links to other things. The features on the toolbar are really nice, like google maps if you have ever used before is really amazing. Bottom line is that this is a small and boring looking site that provides excellent information and tools for every user.
Commented on Jerry's Blogg & Connor's Blog
Very cool websites. I like how you color coordinated your wording witht the websites you have picked out.
I forgot about google, but i too probally visit that site everyday. I liked how you took screenshots from each website.
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