Fair use to me is someone elses work used in a legal way. Websites get copyrights for a reason. They have to pay for them. When keeping it fair use when using things from there sites, just credit their website or provide a link taking them directly to the website where you got something from. Just keep things credited and not say that it was all done by yourself and only yourself. Here is a very useful site that explains all about copyrights that will help clarify any questions about them. Click the Pic.
As for creative common licensing. It is a non profit organization that has added copyrights to there sites. Here is a nice definition from wikipedia. another copyrights that I searched and found was; the share-alike which is the term used in the creative common licensing project for copyright licenses. That is, those including a clause requiring that any derived version of the work to be shared on like terms with everyone else that is, "share and share alike".
Here are a few more useful sites to help with copyrights.
Utsystems, staff.ac.uk, and Duke
I commented on Mrs. C's & Laura's Land
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